It's You Who Matters

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Would you like to be doing another job right now? Or that your circumstances were different? The idea of working as you would like is not far. How to continue your career right now is in your hands. The primary thing in the job search process is to decide which direction to go. Once you have clearly defined your goal, you can start taking steps to achieve that goal.

The first step in this path is to create a resume. Resume is the first stage where you introduce yourself to your employer. The more clearly and visibly you express yourself and the better you can reflect your goal to the paper, the faster your resume will take you to the next stage. Include your experience and education as well as your social aspects. To show your sensitivity to social issues such as non-governmental organizations that you are a member of, volunteer work and awards you received will take you one step forward. Again, an important point in the resume is the design of the page. A poorly written or sloppy prepared resume will not be of interest to the recruiting manager.

After your resume has been reviewed and the second step is the interview phase. Always make a preliminary survey of the company before going to the job interview. Design what you can ask when it's your turn to as.

Now it's time to show yourself. Think about it, you are among the candidates invited to the interview and you are now facing the employer. The better you present yourself to your employer at this stage, the higher your chances of getting the job. Be sure to establish a sincere dialogue during the job interview.

Try not to lose your smile from the beginning and be a good listener. Talk about your previous achievements during the interview and what you can do from now on. Try to deal with your excitement. Shaking your voice, fast heartbeat, missing your eyes gives you the impression you don't trust yourself. Before you enter the door, take a deep breath and imagine that you want this job and do your best.

After leaving the interview, wait for the time you are told to return. If not, you can take action to find out the result. Find out the outcome of the interview, perhaps by sending an email or giving a phone call.

If the first call is positive, a second call is at your doorstep. Here you can speak to the person in charge of the position you are applying for, or you may be invited for a third interview. Since the department's manager will work with you, she/he will first look to see if you can adapt to the work environment and the requirements of the job. Here again you have to pay attention to your attitude and appearance.

If you're not accepted, don't turn your sadness into anger. Anger will only waste your precious time. Focus on what you want to achieve and don't stop believing that you'll find the job you're looking for.

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