How Should You Answer “What Are Your Weaknesses?”

unchannel greatest weakness for job interview

There are some questions the candidates try to eliminate in a job interview. One of those questions that the candidates refrain from answering is ”What is your weakness?”. Many people immediately respond to this question, such as “I am a workaholic” or “I am a perfectionist”.

Really? How about that? “It doesn't sound like a weakness to me. Can you tell us about your real weakness?” A Human Resources specialist is more experienced than you and trying to fool him/her is trying to reverse a good job interview.

According to career experts, the best thing to do when you are asked about your weakness is to tell the truth. However, you do not have to reveal all your weaknesses. The smartest thing you should do is to talk about your weakness outside of an area that will prevent you from doing the job. You should also say that you are trying to improve this aspect.

Since Human Resources experts know that the candidates do not respond very enthusiastically to this unpleasant question, they try to ask this question in various ways. Below are some smartly asked your weakness questions:

We all have tasks that we do not want to do in our work. What are the responsibilities that you do not like in your daily life?

The interviewer uses “we” to make the other person feel comfortable. So s/he thinks that you will create a friendly environment and diminish your defense.

Consider your last performance interview with your manager. What were the areas you should develop?

An HR specialist knows that you discussed the aspects you need to improve in performance interviews in your previous workplace. This way s/he wants to know your weaknesses in your last assessment.

Can you tell us about a project that does not work as you expected?

Human Resources experts know that they can be more relaxed and clear when the candidate is asked to tell a story or event. They think the more you talk, the more you reveal.

Which area do you think you could be more efficient in your job?

This is a very similar question to “What is your weakness?”. However, HR experts think that you will feel less threatened by the way the question is asked, so that you can respond more easily.

Whether or not you want to provide sensitive information during a job interview, the interviewer will do his or her best to get this information. Be prepared.

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